Tuesday, October 28, 2008

KGECian Got Young Scientist Award 2008-09 : Proud Moment for KGEC

A very very happy diwali to one and all!

As has been mentioned in the orkut KGEC community, Koushik Sinha, 2001 CST batch, has been awarded the prestigious Young Scientist Award for 2008-09 by the Indian Science Congress for his research in Low Power Communication as well as a number of other factors as taken into account by the Award Committee.

A truly astounding achievement that all KGEC-ians past and present are basking in the glory of. Hope this ushers in more such feats from KGEC-ians in the future.

Really this diwali turned all the more brighter!

Here is the link:


Monday, October 27, 2008

Who, What, Why?

Alumni-the very word has a distinct warm feeling about it.

And when it comes to KGEC Alumni, the feeling is even stronger. To strengthen the relationship,
and to create a rendezvous for all the alumni, we have taken a small step to meet in the virtual world.

Ok, so why this blog ? Who is it for ?

Even as late as in 2008, there wasn't any single blog dedicated to KGEC alumni. This is to fill in that need gap. This blog will try to be the place where the alumni in news will be talked about, where the alumni achievements will be discussed to inspire one and all. We will try to learn from the alumni, what works and what doesn't in the life after graduation from an engineeing college. Alumni who blog will also have links in this blog, whereby their valuable insights will be highlighted.

The blog as of now will be run by 4 people:

Alekhya Chakrabarty - Batch of 2007
Subarna Tripathi - Batch of 2005
Ashique KhudaBukhsh - Batch of 2005
Mrinal Kanti Paul - Batch of 2001

More to follow!

Virtual World of KGEC Alumni

Welcome Home!

Remember all those fiery cricket matches between New Hall and RBC? Or for that matter the football matches between RBC and VC that marginally fell short of bloodshed? Does the taste of the chowmein of kaka's shop still linger in your taste buds? Do the benches in the Bangla Department of the university still call you in some lonely moment? 
Does the familiar feeling of missing the 5:32,4:27 , 2:17 or 1:21 local still give you jitters? Do the names RBC,New Hall and VC or SNB and MSB feel like home away from home? And does the name Pritilata still mean the ever-guarded mysterious fortress to one gender and home for the other?

And then some day that fateful day arrived in third year. When you had to sit in full formals in front of some 'panel' which changed your life forever. Or may be you were that different variety who chose to think different and early,and chose a different less-trodden path altogether.

Whoever you are, if the 4 lettered word KGEC has a special corner in your heart,and it happens to be your alma mater, Welcome Home!

This is the place to be!

Mark It

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